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Publications of SPCL

K. Taranov, B. Rothenberger, A. Perrig, T. Hoefler:

 sRDMA -- Efficient NIC-based Authentication and Encryption for Remote Direct Memory Access

(In Proceedings of the 2020 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, presented in , USENIX, ISBN: , Jul. 2020, )


State-of-the-art remote direct memory access (RDMA) technologies have shown to be vulnerable against attacks by innetwork adversaries, as they provide only a weak form of protection by including access tokens in each message. A network eavesdropper can easily obtain sensitive information and modify bypassing packets, affecting not only secrecy but also integrity. Tampering with packets can have drastic consequences. For example, when memory pages with code are changed remotely, altering packet contents enables remote code injection. RDMA is widely used in data center applications. We propose sRDMA, a system that provides efficient authentication and encryption for RDMA to prevent information leakage and message tampering. sRDMA uses symmetric cryptography and employs network interface cards (NIC) to perform cryptographic operations. Additionally, we provide an implementation for our proposed design. Our implementation achieves line rate and introduces less than 9% latency overhead.


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  author={Konstantin Taranov and Benjamin Rothenberger and Adrian Perrig and Torsten Hoefler},
  title={{sRDMA -- Efficient NIC-based Authentication and Encryption for Remote Direct Memory Access}},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2020 USENIX Annual Technical Conference},